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Martigues<span class="txtPlusPetit"> © Camping Marius</span>


© Camping Marius
© Camping Marius


Provencal Venice

Just at 8 km from the campsite, Martigues is always on the move. Night market during the summer. Restaurants, Music, Art, Gastromony, Food street like the "sardinades" where you can eat grilled sardines, tuna and mussels in large shared tables for not much money, with a glass of local rosé wine.

Martigues is in 3 parts. Jonquières, L'îles et Ferrière. Jonquières is the main city center with the market on Thursday and on Sunday morning and the nice shopping streets. L'îles is the middle part and look like Venice with the boats and canals.Then Ferrière with the "Sardinades" Place des Aires.

In the north of martigues the big PARK OF FIGUEROLLES will be a good alternative to our sandy beach. This park is ideal for famillies with tree climbing, poney, farm for children (free of charge), pic nic area and pathways for hiking and bikes.

Need more discovery !                                          Information Visit Provence

Crédits photos Gilles Banck